Nanda Express Undertaken by GMC Partly Put into Trial Operation
2023-01-18 loading...

At about 10:00 a.m. on January 18, the three left-turn lanes of the overpass over Panyu Avenue's main line of the third bid segment of the node project on the Nanda Express and the north part of the road bridge over Wanbo 2nd Road of the project of the Nanda Express (from Panyu Avenue to Guangdong Women and Children's Hospital) were put into trial operation. The project of the Nanda Express is undertaken by Guangzhou Municipal Group Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of GMC. Relevant leaders and department heads of Guangzhou City and Panyu District, Liang Huqing, Secretary of the CPC Committee and Chairman of GMC, and Guo Yunfei, Deputy Secretary of the CPC Committee and General Manager of Guangzhou Municipal Group Co., Ltd., attended the ceremony marking the start of the trial operation.


 ▲Scene of the ceremony marking the start of the trial operation


Connect multiple platforms and contribute to the rapid development

Co-built by Guangzhou City and Panyu District, the project of the Nanda Express embodies people's expectations. Located in the north of Panyu District, it stretches from Zhongsan Road west of Dongxin Highway in the west to Lianhua Avenue in the east for 30 kilometers.

▲Overpass over Panyu Avenue

Undertaken by Guangzhou 1st Municipal Engineering Co. Ltd. with a construction cost of some 735 million yuan, the third bid segment is one of the important bid segments of the project of the Nanda Express. Specifically, the overpass over Panyu Avenue connects Panyu Avenue and roads leading to Haizhu District and Guangzhou South Railway Station. Once completed, it will improve the surrounding road network and help set the stage for efficient and smooth transportation. At the same time, it will also connect multiple industrial platforms such as Guangzhou South Railway Station Area, Guangzhou International Innovation City, Guangzhou Higher Education Mega Center, and Panyu Auto Town.

 ▲North part of the road bridge over Wanbo 2nd Road of the project of the Nanda Express (from Panyu Avenue to Guangdong Women and Children's Hospital)

Undertaken by General Engineering Contracting Branch of Guangzhou Municipal Group Co., Ltd., the project of the Nanda Express (from Panyu Avenue to Guangdong Women and Children's Hospital) is located in the core area of Panyu New City, with a total length of about 2 kilometers and a planned red line width of 80 meters. The main traffic nodes include the road bridge over Wanbo 2nd Road, the tunnel of the ramp of Hanxi Avenue, the tunnel of Guanjing Road, three pedestrian overpasses, and the 500 kV electric power tunnel and ancillary works. Notably, the road bridge over Wanbo 2nd Road adopts the parallel bridge design with a bridge deck width of 17 meters. The main body of the bridge consists of three units. The superstructure of the first and third units adopts the continuous box girder of cast in situ concrete prestressed, and the second unit adopts the steel box girder at the intersection. The total length of the bridge is 331.5 meters.


Promote production through Party building and overcome difficulties through cooperation

Located where Dashi Sub-district and Nancun Town in Panyu District, the overpass over Panyu Avenue is linked with multiple metro lines. Its construction has overcome a host of difficulties, such as challenging land expropriation and resident relocation, a large number of people to be coordinated, limited operation area, complicated pipeline relocation, and many technical difficulties.

During the construction, its project department has adhered to the work concept of "establishing the Party branch at the construction site to guide high-quality development", thereby giving full play to the role of the grassroots Party organization in providing support and ensuring progress in both Party building and production and operation. Living up to people's expectations, the Party members and cadres have accumulated momentum for Party building, promoted project construction with high quality and efficiency, and played a leading role in the third bid segment of the node project on the Nanda Express.

Since the construction started, the project of the Nanda Express (from Panyu Avenue to Guangdong Women and Children's Hospital) has faced many disadvantages. For example, there was a large flow of people and vehicles at the construction site, land expropriation and resident relocation were challenging, pipeline relocation was difficult, and geology was complicated. To overcome these difficulties and challenges and put the construction on track, the project department has developed a list of problems to be solved, detailed execution plans, clear objectives, and complete supporting measures, thus ensuring that the construction was completed with safety, high quality, and high efficiency.


Nanda Express undertaken by GMC partly put into trial operation in early 2023

The trial operation of the three left-turn lanes of the overpass over Panyu Avenue will effectively improve the traffic efficiency of roads from surrounding places to Nancun Town, from Dashi Sub-district to surrounding places, and from Nancun Town to Shiqiao Sub-district and help relieve increasingly serious traffic jam.

Meanwhile, the trial operation of the north part of the road bridge over Wanbo 2nd Road has marked major progress in the construction of an important traffic node and helped lay the foundation for the subsequent operation of the whole main line.

GMC will continue to strengthen cooperation with Guangzhou's municipal transportation authority and Panyu District's government to jointly complete the remaining construction tasks of the Nanda Express, ensure that the whole line will be opened in 2023, and contribute to the high-quality development of Guangzhou's transportation with vigorous and determined endeavors.


Source: Guangzhou Municipal Group Co., Ltd.               

Edited and released by Long Kun and Lu Chongyou, Party-Masses Work Department of the Group

Released by Zhang Xiaoying, Group Office

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