Liang Huqing from GMC attends Fortune Global Tech Forum 2023
2023-04-04 loading...

▲Scene of the Forum

On March 30, the Fortune Global Tech Forum 2023 (hereafter referred to as the Forum) was held in Guangzhou. Under the theme of "New Principles: Change and Commitment", the Forum attracted executives, scholars, entrepreneurs and well-known investors of leading global enterprises to share insights and predictions on the latest trends of hot science and technology topics worldwide. Liang Huqing, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Guangzhou Municipal Construction Group Co., Ltd. (GMC), attended the Forum.

 ▲ Liang Huqing attends the main forum and the parallel session "the Future of Cities" via video.

At the main forum, Mr. Liang expressed his opinions on the topic of "pursuing the best technological solutions on the road to global carbon neutrality", saying that GMC is committed to promoting the green and low-carbon development of the construction industry. To this end, by giving full play to its advantageous whole industry chain, the Group has comprehensively taken into account the carbon emissions generated across the whole lifecycle of the building, including the materials, construction, and operation stages, since the design stage. As a leading enterprise in the fields of prefabricated building and green building, GMC has taken active actions to promote MIC (Modular Integrated Construction), thus achieving a decrease of 75% in overall carbon emission of construction waste compared with traditional construction methods. The Group has also made efforts to achieve breakthroughs in green and low-carbon technologies such as waste concrete recycling, high-performance water-reducing admixture for concrete, inorganic artificial stone, and metro track construction muck recycling. By promoting the transformation and application of scientific research achievements, remarkable economic and social benefits have been realized.

 ▲ Parallel session "the Future of Cities: Science Creates a Better Future".

At the parallel session themed "the Future of Cities: Science Creates a Better Future", Mr. Liang said that with the increasingly wide application of digital technology in the construction industry, architects can design more efficiently and construction enterprises have access to construction management services that are more precise, efficient and intelligent. While actively developing the top-level design of its digital transformation, GMC has formulated the GMC 14th Five-Year Plan for Digital Construction Development. Upholding the path of self-built teams, independent R&D, and self-owned intellectual property rights, it has built a "Digital Construction Research Institute" with special scientific research funds to carry out digital technology R&D. To promote the application of BIM technology and the development of digital system platforms on all fronts, the Group has developed over 20 sets of construction engineering information system platforms and more than 30 types of intelligent sensors. All these technologies have been applied to more than 3,000 construction projects including the Guangzhou International Financial City, which continuously consolidated the foundation of GMC's digital development.

 ▲ Liang Huqing interviewed by the magazine Fortune.

At the forum, Mr. Liang was interviewed exclusively by the magazine Fortune. He stressed that prefabricated buildings mark the upgrade of the construction system because the construction process can be implemented in factories instead of the construction site, which shows outstanding advantages in the conservation of energy, land, water, and materials as well as environmental protection. In the future, GMC will continue to explore the potential advantages and promote the standardization and modularization of components, so as to realize the integrated assembly of building, structure, decoration, and electromechanical equipment installation and build a technical system and industrial chain integrating building industrialization and intelligent construction.

When it came to the attenuation of traditional demographic dividend and the impact of robots and artificial intelligence technology on the construction industry, Mr. Liang suggested that the industry should take the population size, quality, and skill level of the labor force as a whole in terms of demographic dividend. On the one hand, the industry is currently faced with the problem of "hard-to-recruit-workers" and "labor shortage"; on the other hand, another form of "talent dividend" is actually taking its shape. Therefore, it cannot be simply considered that the demographic dividend of the construction industry is disappearing or weakening. Players in the industry should have a dialectical view of the role of robots and artificial intelligence technology. As products generated from the upgraded intelligent construction industry, while significantly improving the efficiency and quality of construction work, these technologies also need to be continuously developed and improved. They can be used to keep meeting the needs of high-quality development of the construction industry only in combination with other technologies and human resources.


Source: Group Office

Edited and released by: Lu Chongyou and Long Kun, Party-Masses Work Department of the Group

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