Fully Operational! The Largest Chest and Lung Respiratory Center in Asia, Constructed by GMC, Has Successfully Passed Its Acceptance Inspection!
2023-04-14 loading...

Recently, the Guangzhou Laboratory and the National Clinical Research Center for Respiratory Disease of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University (Guangzhou Respiratory Center), which was constructed by the Guangdong Fourth Construction Engineering Company under GMC, has successfully passed a joint acceptance inspection after a year of trial operation, and has entered the stage of full operation. It is the largest chest and lung respiratory center in Asia.

 ▲An aerial view of the Guangzhou Respiratory Center

The Guangzhou Respiratory Center project, situated on Datansha Island in the Liwan District, is a crucial project for the province and city, as well as a significant project for the well-being of the people. The project covers a total land area of 85,000 square meters and is dedicated to researching the pathogenesis and mechanisms of major respiratory infectious diseases, exploring effective components and mechanisms of traditional Chinese medicine, and developing diagnostic reagents, drugs, vaccines, and other related work to address emergent respiratory diseases.

On October 18, 2020, the Guangzhou Respiratory Center of the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University completed its main structural topping-out ceremony, which was attended by Zhong Nanshan, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering. During the ceremony, he expressed his confidence and high expectations for the project, emphasizing that the center is not just a respiratory center but also a comprehensive hospital that integrates scientific research, industry-academic-research cooperation, telemedicine consultations, and personnel training. He highlighted that under the leadership of respiratory science, other disciplines will also develop together, further supporting and promoting the development of respiratory science to a higher level.

At present, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University is making efforts to establish the Guangzhou Respiratory Center as a national leader and world-class center for clinical and research on respiratory diseases, aiming to become the largest respiratory disease diagnosis and treatment center in Asia.

 ▲Visual Smart Clinic Consultation Center

Construction of the Guangzhou Respiratory Center commenced on December 17, 2018, and was completed with final acceptance on December 7, 2021. The center has since entered its trial operation phase. The project has incorporated cutting-edge information technology and developed advanced systems tailored to the hospital's needs. These systems include a visual smart clinic with AI analysis technology, 5G communication, big data, and cloud computing, as well as a medical intelligent rail logistics transportation system. These have significantly enhanced the hospital's level of intelligence and operational efficiency.

 ▲The rail logistics vehicle used in the transportation system of the Guangzhou Respiratory Center

Guangdong Fourth Construction Engineering Company has consistently placed a high emphasis on quality and has strictly adhered to national and industry regulations, standards, and requirements throughout the construction of the Guangzhou Respiratory Center. The company is also committed to developing innovative construction technology and has successfully applied nine out of the "10 new technologies in the construction industry" as well as 18 sub-items to the project. Therefore, the Guangzhou Respiratory Center is not only a national leader in research and medicine, but it has also achieved a national leading level in construction technology, engineering quality, and other related aspects.

 ▲Night view of the Guangzhou Respiratory Center

The construction of the Guangzhou Respiratory Center faced unexpected challenges, such as the complex geological conditions and the location in a highly developed karst area. Guangdong Fourth Construction Engineering Company, as the general contractor, demonstrated strong overall planning and coordination by scientifically organizing construction and ensuring that each professional team fulfilled its responsibilities and worked with each other. Throughout the project, they overcame three major challenges, namely, geological hurdles, customized requirements, and construction operations, by prioritizing high standards and efficient project execution. Their efforts were highly praised by multiple parties, including Academician Zhong Nanshan and the owners.

Throughout the one-year trial operation period of the hospital, the project team demonstrated their ability to provide high-quality and precise contractual services by responding rapidly and efficiently to the owner's requirements for maintenance, design changes, and other related work. They also provided technical guidance for the use of various systems and equipment, effectively supporting the hospital's smooth transition into the formal operation phase.


Source │ Cen Qianggao and Li Yanglin, Guangdong Fourth Construction Engineering Company

Edited and released by │Long Kun and Lu Chongyou, Party-Masses Work Department of the Group

Released by: Zhang Xiaoying, Group Office

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