National Quality Engineering Award Winner GMC Creates New Business Card of Higher Education in South China
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Recently, the list of the first batch of 2022-2023 National Quality Engineering Award winners was announced. With its excellent construction quality, the Phase I Project of Guangzhou International Campus of South China University of Technology (School of Biomedical Sciences and Engineering, and GD-HK-Macao Joint Research Institute of Biomedicine and Regenerative Medicine) undertaken by Guangzhou Construction Co., Ltd., a subsidiary of GMC, won the National Quality Engineering Award, which is the highest honor for engineering quality in China.

  ▲ Aerial view of the project

Located in Panyu District, Guangzhou City, the project officially started construction in 2018 and was completed and put into use on December 6, 2019. The floor area is 162,400 square meters. There is 1 floor underground and 5-14 floors above ground. The total building height is 74.3 meters.

During the construction process, the company adhered to the award spirit of "pursuing excellence and creating classics", and made every effort to do a good job in the project construction. The project has successively won many honors such as Guangdong Gold Craftsman Award for Construction Projects, Guangdong Civil Engineering Tien-yow Jeme Hometown Cup Award, and Guangdong Prefabricated Building Demonstration Project.

Actively solve construction difficulties and enhance construction competitiveness

The project is the largest prefabricated building in Guangzhou, and reaches Grade A of the national prefabricated building evaluation standard. The prefabrication rate of a single building of the project reaches 60%. The complex facade and diversified structure of the buildings greatly increase the construction difficulty. All personnel of the project have focused on the key and difficult points and overcome many construction problems.

The construction of steel beams in the central hall of the project is facing a great challenge. The suspended lobby of the podium tower is 18 meters high, the east-west net span is 31.2 meters, and each steel beam weighs 20 tons. In order to ensure that the huge steel beam could be successfully hoisted, the project organized expert demonstration, applied BIM technology to simulate construction, and took other measures.

▲ The suspended lobby of the podium tower with a height of 18 meters and an east-west net span of 31.2 meters

Due to the different functions of classrooms and laboratories, there are many types and sizes of prefabricated components required. The Project Department timely set up a technical team to carry out the design work, and planned and improved the prefabrication system selection, component design and prefabrication technology of different functional areas in advance, thus effectively improving the project construction efficiency.

The project involves more than 200 sets of electromechanical equipment, more than 100,000 meters of pipelines and 200,000 meters of wires and cables, which makes the installation and commissioning very difficult. The Project Department has set up an electromechanical management team to make technical breakthroughs by levels and disciplines in combination with BIM technology, effectively reducing the difficulty of electromechanical equipment installation and commissioning and construction coordination and management.

Define quality objectives and stimulate construction cohesion

As a provincial and municipal key project, the project has made continuous efforts towards the goal of winning the National Quality Engineering Award since the commencement of construction. A three-level management mechanism composed of enterprise level, project level and construction operation level has been established, and a post responsibility system has been set up to clarify responsibilities at each level and take multiple measures simultaneously to stimulate cohesion for project construction.

  ▲ On-campus scenery

Pay special attention to the source. The project strictly implements the system of ordering plates after checking the samples of materials, and displays the samples of important processes in a centralized manner. With the signature of the owner, the designer, the supervisor, the constructor, and the subcontractor for confirmation, all materials will be sealed, and the materials with quality to be reviewed and confirmed will be tested in time to build a solid quality and safety defense line.

Strictly control the quality. The project team regularly held meetings on construction and production coordination, progress analysis, quality and safety to find problems, formulated measures and solved problems in time. Technical personnel carried out disclosure before construction, and on-site technical and construction management personnel supervised and inspected the whole process.

Enhance the awareness.The project strictly implemented the Compulsory Standards for Engineering Construction, established an on-site quality management network, attached importance to the improvement of employees' work skills and quality awareness, carried out quality knowledge training, and strengthened the construction quality awareness of all personnel.

Strengthen technological innovation and inject new impetus into construction

  ▲ Lecture Hall

Insist on technological innovation. The project widely applied 37 sub-items in 8 items of 10 new technologies (2017 edition) in the construction industry, completed 10 independently developed innovation technologies, and was awarded as "Guangdong New Technology Application Demonstration Project", and has won 8 Guangdong provincial construction methods, passed 12 utility model patents and 2 software copyrights, and published 10 papers.

Highlight green construction. By adopting technical means such as reclaimed water recycling, noise monitoring and spray dust reduction, the project effectively improved the level of green and civilized construction without affecting the construction progress and quality. The building energy conservation rate of the project reaches 50.32%, the green space rate reaches 40%, and the utilization rate of non-traditional water sources such as reclaimed water and rainwater reaches 82.44%. It has successively won the green construction demonstration project and two-star A-level green building design identification certificate in Guangdong Province.


Source │ Wang Zhenglong, Chen Qingwen, Ye Zhiqiang (text), and Li Mingyu (picture), Engineering Division of Guangzhou Construction Co., Ltd.

Edited and released by │ Lu Chongyou and Long Kun, Party-Masses Work Department of the Group

Released by │ Zhang Xiaoying, the Group Office

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